Message from the Chairman, Anthony Gordon – 3rd Quarter 2024
On behalf of the Ford MDA board of directors, management, and staff, I want to thank all our members that attended NAMAD’s 44th Annual Membership Meeting in Miami, Florida, August 20-23. I want to congratulate Damon Lester on taking over the helm as Chairman of NAMAD. When it came time for NAMAD members to step up and provide leadership to the NAMAD organization, our Ford MDA board members were up for the challenge.
Mr. Ray Fregia Jr is the incoming Vice Chair for NAMAD. Ray has served previously as Chairman of Ford MDA. Mr. Fregia Jr also has been an officer and part of the executive committee for NAMAD. By taking on the assignment of Vice Chairman, Ray is providing continuity for NAMAD’s board for the future. Mr. Robert Valdes, who was our previous Chairman for Ford MDA, will serve as Treasurer for NAMAD. Mr. Valdes has also served on NAMAD’s executive committee. As we have been able to see firsthand through our organization, one will not find better dealer advocates than Ray Fregia Jr. and Robert Valdes. I also serve on NAMAD’s executive committee. I look forward to working with NAMAD and providing support and input for all minority dealers.
I can tell you that Ford Motor Company and Ford Motor Credit Company “stole the show” when it came time to report on minority dealer activity. The NAMAD board members that have a Ford or Lincoln dealership was not surprised how well Ford did as compared to all other OEMs that participated at the NAMAD conference. For 2023, Ford had a net increase of twenty-one dealers. Ford was best in class when it came to installing minority dealers. One could feel the energy and enthusiasm that the Ford team exhibit in Miami. All the Ford MDA team on NAMAD’s board was filled with pride and appreciation for the challenging work we accomplished last year. One thing I can tell you is that the Ford team will not rest on its laurels.
We anticipate that Ford will be installing new dealers in 2024 as well. One may not know when opportunities may be available. Therefore, one must always be ready when the opportunity arises. Moreover, I know there is a strong bench of candidates that are willing and able to step up to the plate when an opportunity presents itself. And for those dealer candidates and general managers that are reading my message, it is good to stay in contact with current dealers in our association. At times it is feasible to take on a partner that can provide you with the adequate resources and support that will make the dealership successful
As I stated in our previous newsletter, as Chairman of your association, I need your input with putting together a coaching program for our dealers and supporting and growing our minority women dealers. In all aspects of life, one is starting to see more coaches used to improve and accomplish goals. Owning and operating a dealership is exciting and rewarding. However, it does come with situations where the task at hand can be daunting and overwhelming. I believe that having that coach as a “safety valve” for those times that can become challenging will be a game changer for new and senior dealers alike in our businesses. If you have suggestions and recommendations, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or the Ford MDA staff.
It is also part of our strategy as an association that we will constantly be on the lookout for opportunities to share with our members. And for any reason, if you are contemplating selling your dealership, please let us know. The information you provide us with is confidential. Thank you for your continued support of our association. We look forward to having a great fourth quarter in 2024.
Anthony Gordon,